Naše odpověď na druhý dopis od Manoje

Dear Manoj.

Thank you for letter. In Czech Republic is not so cold now. We are preparing the Christmas gifts for our beloved members of our families.
We wish you, your family and your friends a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year and a lot of luck, health and love.

Best wishes Renata, Marcela, Hanka, Helena, Marcela, Radka, Jana, Lenka, Katka, Slavek, Lenka, Mila, Hana, Irena, Honza, Mary and Lucy.

P.S. I am sending you greetings from my 14-years-old son Marek on the separated paper and two stickers with trains.

Do dopisu byly vloženy vánoční pohledy, vystřihovánka, samolepky a plánek Dobřichovic nakreslený Markem S.

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