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Naše odpověď na druhý dopis od Muskan

Dear Muskan

thank you for your letter, which brought us a lot of good news. We appreciate that we didn't have any problem with its readability. We are pleased that you are trying to study in the best possible way. When you are reading this letter, your exam time is probably over and you are enjoying the holidays.

Here is currently the most beautiful period from the year. Winter went away with its coldness and snow.Spring is in the full blow, the nature woke up from winter dormancy, plants and trees grows green and flourishes. Everything smells good and fresh, the birds are coming back from southern parts of Europe and Africa, where they stay during the cold winter. In a month we expect summer temperatures. In Czech Republic, children have their summer holidays in july and august, which is the hottest period of the year. They usually spend their vacation by visiting their relatives, summer camps for children or they go with their parents on vacation to the seaside or to the mountains.

We think about you every single day and we wish you and your family all the time health and warm love.

We send you stickers with animals from Prague zoological garden.

Anička, Slávek, Eva, Hanka, Jana, Lenka, Linda, Marcela, Marie, Míla, Pavlína, Radka, Vašek, Zbyněk, Zuzana, Jana, Irena a Honza

Do dopisu byly vloženy dětské samolepky se zvířátky.

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